Monday, May 26, 2008

Tornado Hits Parkersburg, Iowa

Last night we go word that a tornado ripped through Parkersburg, where Scott's grandma lives. Scott's mom told us she had heard about the storm but hadn't heard from her mom yet. We waited for about 45 minutes and scanned the internet. The first reports said that the southern part of the town was destroyed including the grocery store and convenience store. Grandma lives right across from the convenience store!!! So we were pretty stressed. Nancy called back and told us she heard from Grandma. She had taken shelter in the shower in the basement. Her house was demolished. If she had chosen to hide under the stairs instead of the shower she would have been killed. She ended up with some cuts and scrapes from bricks falling on her. She crawled out of the shower and was rescued and taken to Sartori Hospital in Cedar Falls. She then called her neice in CF and stayed there last night. We're waiting to hear from the Arbogasts as to what the house looks like.
If you go to and click on the slideshow for the storms, you can see pictures. Picture #9 we think is the convenience store across from Grandma's house. There is also a picture of the high school that was destroyed.

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